We spent two mainly sunny weeks exploring this area with an interesting coast and fine places to visit inland.

Abbotsbury from St Catherine’s Hill

Lilies at Abbotsbury Gardens
Abbotsbury Swannery


Cross outside Sherborne Abbey

Fishing nets at Lyme Regis

A storm coming in at West Bay

View over the rooftops of Bridport

Outside Thomas Hardy’s house

Trying out a violin (with permission) at Thomas Hardy’s house

Exploring Dorset’s ancient roads

Over-the-top grandeur at Queen Mother Square, Poundbury

Giant deckchair at Sidmouth

Sidmouth: wired for sound

On top of a very windy Chesil Bank, with the Isle of Portland in the background

Kitesurfer on the bay next to the Isle of Portland

Portland lighthouse

The Portland coast from the top of the lighthouse

Rural scene near Portland Bill

Fine bronze work at Sculpture by the Lakes

Sculpture by the Lakes