Photos taken around our local and very eventful area
The Stirchley Big Bake raised over £1000 for charity
Cake at the Stirchley Big Bake
Cake at the Stirchley Big Bake
Stroppy Stirchley: A supermarket planning application was initially granted and then overturned following local protests, but still resulted in the demolition of a bowling alley and gym
Here’s someone who always stands up for Stirchley!
The world’s most pointless speed limit sign? This land was acquired by Tesco who then abandoned their plans to build a supermarket
Protesting with art: this road through the planned Tesco site remains closed despite the abandonment of the project
Hands-on activity at a space-themed Fun Palace at Stirchley Baths
Organised chaos at the Fun Palace
Ready to launch: a rocket built at the Fun Palace
The educational side of the Fun Palace: Dr Helen Fraser gave an entertaining talk about how to make a planet (hint: you need a nebula to start with)
The monthly Stirchley Community Market tests my stewarding and photographic skills
During the year P Café relaunched as Artefact and continues to be a wonderful artistic and meeting venue
The fortnightly Crunch creative writing group meets at Artefact