Music Unwrapped

In April 2014 fellow Christ Church member Dilys Garrod launched a series of concerts in the Highbury pub: the full story is here. As well as enjoying the wonderful diversity of music I've used these events as a test for my camera. The venue is excellent in most ways except for the low level of lighting, so it's been a challenge to get usable photos. Here are some of them...

April: Cymbiotic percussion duo

Where else could you hear a perfectly-timed marimba duet?

James playing the marimba: note the double sticks in each hand

James and Ross in a drum duet

Ross playing the marimba: he was improvising in response to instructions mimed by a member of the audience

May: Tom Lindsay Jazz Quartet

The Tom Lindsay jazz quartet, led by Tom on keyboard

Tom (right) watches as the group improvise with a member of the audience


Bass and saxophone: it was too dark to get a photo of the drummer

July: Flamenco

No tourist stereotypes here: Ana Garcia and friends gave us an authentic performance of flamenco from different regions of Spain

Music and dancing were full of energy

A blur of colour as Ana dances

Flamenco dress in closeup

September: Silent Movies with live piano

The artistry of Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin was brought to us by Touring Local Cinema with dramatic piano accompaniment by Tom Adamson

Pianist Tom Adamson talks to an audience member during the break

The films came with free popcorn

Promoter Dilys with projectionist and popcorn maker Ben Benson

October: Celtic Funk

Rowena Knight with her family of instruments which include guitar, mandola, flute and voice. She uses an electronic loop machine to combine these instruments in an endless variety of combinations

Rowena was in near-darkness throughout which made it impossible to get a non-blurred photo unless she stood still!

Rowena with drummer Rob Peters: many of the pieces were accompanied by photo slideshows of scenes from Cornwall and Scotland, which inspire much of her music

The speed of the head deceives the camera!

Drummer Rob Peters and his shadow

November: Zamira Duo

Mary Reid playing the harp

The audience included many younger members who are learning to play one of these instruments

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