Welcome to the Banting family home page!

This is the website of Phil and Miriam Banting of Stirchley, Birmingham, England
"The Internet gives everyone with nothing to say the opportunity to say it"


La Voz de Don Felipe


A photo each day posted on Twitter

Family tree

Roots in Hampshire, Southwark and Staffordshire
Roots in Staffordshire and Germany

Other pages

While thousands of Britons huddled under umbrellas on Cornish beaches, we headed east in search of the sun
Phil enters the 2010 Birmingham Half-Marathon
Back on the road: the 2012 Great Birmingham Run
Yet another half-marathon: the 2013 Great Birmingham Run
Frequently visited sites
Our address is mail at banting-family dot org dot uk
Twitter logo

Who we are

Phil and Miriam Banting

The photo was taken beside Lake Titicaca, Bolivia, in 2013.

Phil is on the left... I formerly worked as an electronic (software) engineer for an aerospace company, and took early retirement in 2015.

Miriam is also retired, having been a nurse and then working in health-related research projects.

Some things we do


We are active members of Christ Church, Selly Park, Birmingham. We are especially involved in:


Phil is a volunteer for Stirchley Baths, having given numerous tours of this Edwardian building now beautifully restored as a community hub. The Baths is a great venue for the monthly Stirchley Community Market of which Phil is a steward, and the Baths heritage programme also provided the inspiration for Stirchley History Group.

We are members of the the Liberal Democrats supporting its local campaigns.

Words, music and images

Miriam is a member of Phoenix Singers, a large choir who give concerts several times a year and also go on annual tours which we both enjoy.

Phil is often found at Artefact in Stirchley, the café home of the fortnightly Crunch creative writing group - or he may be leaving English behind at Kings Heath Spanish Club.

And at pretty well all these venues and events, Phil is taking photos!

Annual news

Cumbria rocks... Musical Malta... tours and black ties
Scenes of Scotland... Stirchley Baths... walking and singing
African adventure... so-called retirement... roaming with a camera
North York Moors... London life... Church online
ABC of South America... Retiring Miriam... Love Stirchley